Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine Approved


The FDA approves a second COVID-19 vaccine as daily death and infection rates spike across the country.  The CDC voted 11-0 to approve the Moderna vaccine in people 18 and older. Earlier in the week, the FDA gave Moderna an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) after reviewing clinical trials.

Moderna vaccines will begin shipping out on Sunday, December 20th, and people could start getting these shots by Monday the 21st. This vaccine also needs a second dose about a month after the first for full effectiveness.

Side Effects and Reactions to the Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine

Side effects from the Moderna vaccine include fatigue, chills, headaches, arm pain, and swelling. More serious vaccine injuries include possible anaphylaxis and Bell’s Palsy. The Pfizer vaccine also had some early indication during trial phases that Bell’s Palsy could be a known reaction. People with a history of allergic reactions are being warned not to get the shots.

COVID-19 and Vaccine Injury Compensation Programs

For people in the United States who experience a severe vaccine injury or reaction after the COVID-19 shot, there are two federal vaccine injury compensation programs: The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) and The Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP).

The attorneys at mctlaw are reviewing COVID-19 vaccine injury cases across the country. Our attorneys have represented more people in the vaccine injury programs than any other firm and have won hundreds of millions of dollars in compensation for our vaccine injury clients.

Comparison of Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 Vaccines

The Moderna and Pfizer vaccines are similar to each other, but the Pfizer version is approved for children 16 years up.  Neither immunization gives you a weakened or inactivated version of the virus to build immunity. Instead, the mRNA vaccine injects you with instructions for your immune cells to create a piece of protein that the rest of your body fights off with antibodies. This protein is similar to the COVID-19 strain, so when your immune system deals with the actual coronavirus, it already knows how to fight it off.


Science News: How does the newly authorized Moderna COVID-19 vaccine compare to Pfizer’s?

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